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Arrma infraction twin motor build part 2 ( steering mods & esc placement)
Twin motor arrma infraction parts showed up & steering installation
Twin motor YouTube infraction first power up & esc calibrations does it catch fire??
Infraction YouTube twin motor build update more parts showed up
Arrma Felony 8s Sunny D build part 2 steering and side skirt mount
Twin motor infraction new build ( it’s an easy swap)
Twin motor Infraction YouTube addition first rip on 2X6S and a tire is gone already??
Twin motor infraction youtube addition ESC installation
Twin motor infraction aftermath on damage (what’s next ?)
Twin motor infraction gear swap and side skirts installation
Arrma twin motor infraction MMX8S x2 & TP power 1700 kv motors light speed passes after rebuild
YouTube twin motor infraction out for another test run 3 Camara set up what happened this time out ?